Camp Registration:  |  Hide
March 7th at noon for Gymnastics Training Camps and March 10th at noon for Summer Day Camps. Once deposit is confirmed a letter will be sent to your email with the ability to sign up for Extended Morning and Afternoon Care.


Also see: Gymnastics and Camps

Aim High's Universe-ity program for before and after school

We are proud to offer Aim High Universe-ity to all of our families. This program has so much to offer to our families - beginning with transportation from local elementary schools back to Aim High for class or team practice, to providing homework help, tutoring and enrichment activities.

We are confident that you will find that Aim High Academy will offer a safe, convenient and reliable answer to those hectic afternoons of running from work to home to school and back out to gymnastics classes that you will wonder why we haven't thought of it sooner!

We offer flexible schedules for you. You can choose the number of days and which days work best for your schedule. We offer two options to our families.

Transportation only is for those families who just need a ride from the local schools to Aim High for their gymnastics class or team practice.

The second option includes transportation along with child care until 5:30pm. Children will have the opportunity to work on homework with tutoring assistance and access to computers, the chance to participate in outside time, and enrichment activities including arts & crafts, games and socialization.

We service select schools in East Greenwich and North Kingstown. Please contact Aim High Academy to discuss the Universe-ity program for before and after school.

Additional education programs from Aim High Academy include the following:
» Preschool
» Pre-Kindergarten

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ELC Virtual Tour
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Aim High Virtual Tour

Aim High Virtual Tour
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