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March 7th at noon for Gymnastics Training Camps and March 10th at noon for Summer Day Camps. Once deposit is confirmed a letter will be sent to your email with the ability to sign up for Extended Morning and Afternoon Care.

Boys Rising Stars

Also see: Education and Camps

Boys Rising Stars

At Aim High we offer boys recreational gymnastics starting at age 3. Fun and innovative gymnastics instruction on all six events, floor, pommel horse, still rings, parallel bars and high bar as well as the tramp and porwertrac. Whether a boy has never participated in gymnastics or enjoys the challenge of learning new skills, our boy's gymnastics program emphasizes individualized and self-paced learning of physical and social skills.
Age: 4 Years Old
A challenging and fun-filled, 45-minute program that strives to build a child's self-confidence and physical strength. Balance, coordination, flexibility and strength grow as children participate in basic gymnastic lessons in the BIG gym on the official men's equipment. This class will involve height and challenges that can be scary for some students, therefore previous enrollment is a sunshine class is encouraged. Must be potty trained and able to follow instructions.
Age: 5 to 6 Years Old
This is a one hour class for anyone, no experience is needed. The boys will learn basic skills on all of the men's apparatus. The Boys will learn skills on Floor, Pommel Horse, Still Rings, Vault, Parallel Bars and High Bar, along with work on strength, flexibility, power trac and trampoline.
Age: 7 - 8 Years Old
This is a one hour class for anyone, no experience is needed. The boys will learn basic skills on all of the men's apparatus. The Boys will learn skills on Floor, Pommel Horse, Still Rings, Vault, Parallel Bars and High Bar, along with work on strength, flexibility, power trac and trampoline.
Space Troopers
Age: 9 - 14 Years Old
This is a one hour class for anyone, no experience is needed. The boys will learn basic skills on all of the men's apparatus. The Boys will learn skills on Floor, Pommel Horse, Still Rings, Vault, Parallel Bars and High Bar, along with work on strength, flexibility, power trac and trampoline.
Boys Advanced
Age: 9 and up (by invitation only)
A 90 minute class designed for boys who have passed, and mastered the basic skills in the beginner class. This class focuses on more advanced skills on the men's events, in the form of skills, strength and flexibility.
Boys Xcel Team
2 - 90 minute classes. A recreational team for the boy's program. Boys train as a team and practice for participation in the in-house meets. Boys will work on skills and routines on each of the 6 events. Great focus is placed on presentation and detail. Boys will have the option to participate in our in-house meets and additional events. This program runs from September - June; no Boys Xcel Team is offered during the summer session.

Drop In Programs

Open Gym
6-12 years, 90 minutes of fun in a safe structured way. Bounce on trampolines, swing on the bars or balance on the balance beam. This co-ed open gym will give your child the opportunity to practice his/her favorite skills. Open gym is semi-structured to maintain safety for all students. No horseplay or unsafe behavior tolerated; safety is our highest priority.

Open Gym+
6-12 years, 120 minutes of fun. Half the open gym is a structured class and the other half is a semi-structured open gym where your child can practice their favorite gymnastics skills. No horseplay or unsafe behavior tolerated; safety is our highest priority.
If you have questions, or need additional information on this program, please contact Aim High Academy.

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